May 3 History Café Recap: What is the History of Fort Washington Park?
Wed May 3, 2023
7:00 PM EDT
Revisit our History Café from May 3rd, 2023, where we explored the history of Fort Washington Park in Cambridgeport from pre-colonization, through the Revolutionary War, and up to the present. This park is known for being the only remaining fortification from the Revolutionary War, but we also discussed the land before being colonized, as well as its various restorations in the 19th and 20th centuries, and the art that it holds today.
- Sage Carbone, Indigenous scholar
- Emily Levine, Longfellow House-Washington Headquarters
- Charlie Sullivan, Cambridge Historical Commission
- Madeleine Lord, artist
- Betsey Donham, History Cambridge Intern
Thank you to the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati for their support of this event.
This video was recorded via zoom and produced by Talia Franks.
The music included is by Vladislav Kaurnikov from Pixabay