Posts Tagged ‘East Cambridge’
Early Glass Making In East Cambridge
by Doris Hayes-Cavanaugh, 1926 Much has been said recently about the business growth of Cambridge, and a number of publications have stressed the fact that Cambridge, and particularly the section known as East Cambridge, now stands very high in the scale of New England manufacturing centres. Imposing schedules of plants and factories have appeared, setting…
Read MoreEarly Cambridge Newspapers
By George Grier Wright, 1928 This article can be found in the Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society Volume 20, from the years 1927-1929. In the fall of 1839 two school boys, Peter L. Cox, aged fifteen years, and his brother Henry S., aged twelve years, conceived the idea of publishing a weekly paper for…
Read MoreThe Makings of City Streets By Michael Kenney
As we lean into this year’s theme of “What Does Cambridge Make?”, a look at street names reveals a product–filled past. Porter Square was Union Square until 1899, when it was renamed in honor of Zachariah B. Porter, the proprietor of Porter’s Hotel; many claim he lent his name to the specialty of the house,…
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