2012 Inner Belt Symposia

In 2012, the Cambridge Historical Society held a three-part symposia on the Inner Belt in Cambridge. The events were co-sponsored by MIT, Livable Streets, and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and were underwritten by Irving House and Forest City. The planning committee included Karilyn Crockett, Richard Garver, Michael Kenney, Gavin Kleespies, Alyssa Pacy, and Jim Peters. Program One: The Role of…

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Inner Belt Hub

Cambridge had a major role in battling one highway for decades and eventually sparking a process that created a powerful coalition that led officials to remake transportation policy for the Boston area inside Route 128

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Commentary on Radical Protests in the 1960s

by Stephen Kaiser, reprinted from Cambridge Day If the really radical protesting began in 1967, here we are having an historical reunion of sorts fifty years later.  In Cambridge, I was the editor of the Catalyst, the newspaper of the Graduate Student Council at MIT.  I covered two of the Harvard Square riots, as I…

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