The Discovery Of The Charles River By The Vikings (Part Two)

According To The Book Of Horsford By Wendell D. Garrett From Vol. 40 of the Cambridge Historical Society Proceedings, 1964-1966 …continued from last week  II   The storm, in which Horsford was to live his last dozen years, broke in May 1880. William Everett, sometime Latin tutor at Harvard College and later master of Adams…

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The Discovery Of The Charles River By The Vikings (Part One)

According To The Book Of Horsford By Wendell D. Garrett From Vol. 40 of the Cambridge Historical Society Proceedings, 1964-1966   O​nce​ again the partisans of Christopher Columbus and Leif Ericson are locked in battle. The most recent occasion for reopening this long-standing and irrelevant feud was the publication in 1965 by Yale University Press…

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Composer Leroy Anderson: Cambridge Born and Bred

by Jane Anderson Vercelli, 2008 While the entertaining music of Leroy Anderson is heard all over the world today, the composer who wrote “Sleigh Ride” was born, raised, and educated in Cambridge, thanks to his Swedish parents, who immigrated as children to the United States. They chose to make Cambridge their home because they wanted…

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